Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Conference Call for Papers

Hotel Options

Hotel Options

In Berlin, you will find accommodation types for different budgets. On this page, we have compiled a selection of hotels in various price ranges. Please book your accommodation well in advance of the conference - this is a very popular location. The hotels offer reduced rates for guests of Humboldt University. Please contact the Knowledges in Motions Team for the key that will allow you to book your room at the reduced price (


3 Star Hotels 

H-Hotel Berlin Mitte

Chausseestraße 118-120, 10115 Berlin

→ single room from 111,00 €/ night incl.



Aquino Hotel

Hannoversche Str. 5B, 10115 Berlin

→ single room from 98,50 €/ night incl.



Motel One Berlin-Alexanderplatz

Grunerstraße 11, 10179 Berlin

→ single room from 99,00 €/ night incl.


→ 2 stops from/ to HU Campus Central


Motel One Berlin Hackescher Markt

Dircksenstraße 36, 10179 Berlin

→ single room from 99,00 €/ night incl.


→ 2 stops from/ to HU Campus Central


Motel One Berlin-Hauptbahnhof

Invalidenstraße 54, 10557 Berlin

→ single room from 95,00 €/ night incl.



4 Star Hotels

Leonardo Hotel Berlin Mitte

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 4, 10117 Berlin

→ single room from 117,00 €/ night incl.



Park Inn by Radisson

Alexanderplatz 7, 10178 Berlin

→ single room from 100,00 €/ night incl.


→ 2 stops from/ to HU Campus Central


Classik Hotel Alexander Plaza

Rosenstraße 1, 10178 Berlin

→ single room from 115,00 €/

night incl. breakfast


Classik Hotel Hackescher Markt

Große Präsidentenstraße 8, 10178 Berlin

→ single room from 115,00 € or 99,00 € /

night incl. breakfast

→ 2 stops from/ to HU Campus Central


InterCity Hotel

Katharina-Paulus-Straße 5, 10557

→ single room from 96,00 €/ night incl.


→ including public transport ticket


5 Star Hotels

Steigenberger am Kanzleramt

Ella-Trebe-Straße 5, 10557 Berlin

→ Single room from 105,00 €/ night incl.



Alternative Accommodation at Motel One Alexanderplatz

In case there are no more rooms available at the above-mentioned hotels, you can book one of the rooms reserved for our conference guests at Motel One Alexanderplatz (Grunerstraße 11, 10179). The respective booking form is available from the Knowledges in Motions Team. These rooms can be booked until Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. Please be aware that the special Humboldt-University guest rate does not apply to these rooms.