Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - 2025 CAAR Conference



On March 20-22, 2025, the Fourteenth Biannual Conference of CAAR, the Collegium for African American Research, titled “Knowledges in Motion: Black Travels, Belonging, and Transformations,” will be hosted by the Department of English and American Studies at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. The conference investigates African American and African diasporic literary and cultural production, critiques, and contributions to emergent scholarly discourses and epistemologies.


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 Please note: 

 CAAR is looking to elect a new Executive Board (President,           Secretary and Treasurer), and to fill most of the seats on the     Advisory Board. Please think about possibly becoming (more)       active in CAAR and running for one of the positions. 


The conference is supported by:

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HU International Office

HU Department of English and American Studies

HU Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities